Ghahari Lab


Current Members

Principal Investigator

Dr. Fereshte Ghahari Kermani

Personal Webpage

Graduate Students

Robert Rienstra

Nishat Sultana

Research Staff

Junting Huo


NamePosition at Ghahari Lab (Years)Subsequent Position
Akhil ChauhanUndergraduateGraduate Student at University of Illinois
Nicholas MattesResearch Assistant (2020-2022)Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Joseph DonoghueUndergraduate (2020-2021)PhD Student at George Mason University
Ian MorrisUndergraduate (2020-2021)PhD Student at Michigan State University
Mahapol ThunyapongGraduate Student (2020-2021)PhD Student at George Mason University
Rohan KompellaHigh School Research Assistant (2022)Undergraduate Student at University of Colorado Boulder